
Your Role in God’s Story

You have a vital part to play in God’s story whether you realize it or not. Have you heard of Mordecai Fowler Ham? Most people haven’t, but at a revival, while he was doing what God had created Him to do, Billy Graham gave His life to Christ. When you understand your role in God’s Story- you impact others.

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Your Identity in Christ

  • Learn and grow in your identity in Christ in Small Groups

  • Align with your design. Sometimes when we don’t understand our design we can be like a guitar with untuned strings. Untuned = misalignment. There is a tension when tuning the strings and as we come in tune (aligned), you will resonate heaven’s expression like only you can bring.

  • Download What God’s Word says about you (coming soon)

  • An orphan, religious, victim, and poverty mindset can hinder you from living in the fullness of who God has created you to be and do. Click here to learn how to dismantle the orphan mindset, religious mindset and victim mindset. If you are getting stuck or need assistance with your breakthrough, please share with your small group or email us at

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What’s your ‘why’

What do you feel passionate about? What motivates you to get out of bed? What do you enjoy doing that time seems to fly by? What makes you tick?

Most people have a misconception that to be a part of God’s Story involves going to Africa, volunteering at church, or just waiting until Jesus comes back. God’s Story is so much bigger than that. Sure, we all have a mission , but our mission may not be to go to Africa, and we may or may not volunteer at church. It doesn’t mean God loves you more if you do, or He loves you less if you don’t. We are not here to just wait until He returns. We were made for more!

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Your Wiring

God formed us before we were in our mother’s womb. Like a chair, it was imagined with a purpose before it was created, not after. The same is with you. God has a purpose and plan before He made you.

As a child, what were you like? Did you do things no one told you to do, but you just did it? This is God’s wiring in you coming through. Have you been drawn to business or law? Have you been drawn to science? Do you like to build things? God designed you this way for a purpose. Isn’t this exciting!?

Past Experiences

Many times it’s hard to see the story God has been writing all along. The things that the enemy meant for evil, God can or is turning it for good. There are tools to help you to see the bread crumbs that God has left to show you the message He has been saying to and through you all along.

Many times we don’t realize it at the time, but when God brings us through a hard time and builds our character, we now have the authority to help others to be free, delivered, or restored. Have you overcome addiction? You can help others overcome addiction as well. Have you overcome financial debt? You can help others be free financially as well.

An area of influence may not always be from hard times, but through excellence in a particular skill, knowledge or talent where others are drawn to you.

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Unique Design + Grace

God’s grace flows to design. When we embrace our design, we are embracing His plan and will. For example, take a look at a pick up truck, a fire truck and a tow truck. A pick up truck has a grace to put small to medium size things in its truck bed to haul it away, but it is not designed to put out fires. A fire truck is designed to help put out fires, but it is not designed to tow vehicles. There is a grace to the design it was purposed for. It comes easily. God has also designed you with a purpose.

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The Vehicle

God delivers message to us in many creative ways - creation, dreams, words, stories, through touch, music.

In the same way, God’s story can be communicated through your unique past experiences, talents, and gifting. Examples are through a song, a dance, a medical discovery, justice, journalism, a business that helps build schools in Africa, brain science, acting, your military experience, a video game, a lesson, being involved in government, or just helping someone with a need.

Your Peeps

Not the marshmallow bunnies, but the person or people God who He wants you to share God’s story in your life with. If God has helped you to get out of major debt, could God be wanting you to help those who are struggling financially? Has God helped you as a mom where you can help new moms? Are a young person? Do you have a friend you can help?

These people could change in different times of your life.

Acts 1:8

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These are the people already in your life that God wants to invite them to be a part of His story.

Whether you are a kid, teen, college student, soccer coach, in the trades, a teacher, nurse, doctor, business owner, student, stay-at-home mom, administrator, musician, journalist, poet, retired, etc. - God can use you in your sphere of influence.

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Samaria & Judea

These are new people that God brings in your life

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Ends of the earth

These are the people you never imagined God would use you to make an impact.