Provision for God’s Vision

Your generosity and financial partnership is how we are able to bless others with the love of God. Whether you’d like to give once, schedule recurring donations, or view your giving history, you can do it here - it’s quick, easy, and secure. You can give a tithe or allocate an offering to a specific fund.

You may also give via text by texting ALOHAPAUOLE to 77977

You must login and register prior to start giving online. You begin by creating a unique username and password

If you prefer to mail in a check, you can!

Please make checks payable to ‘New Hope Aloha Pau’ole.’

You may mail checks to:

New Hope Aloha Pau’ole

711 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 500

Honolulu, Hawaii 96813


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Can I schedule recurring donations?

Yes, you can specify whether you want your contribution made one time, weekly, twice per month, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. You can set up as many schedules as you would like, so it is possible to give a monthly gift as well as a weekly one.

What if I change credit cards or want to adjust the date or amount of a contribution?

You can edit or delete a scheduled contribution at any time, including the credit card, date, frequency, and amount.

Once payment is processed, donations made are final and there are no refunds.

Is online giving secure?

We have taken steps to ensure that the giving process is safe and secure. All of your giving transactions are secured by SSL encryption. SSL is an acronym for “Secure Socket Layer”, a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet. It is the same technology used by banks and e-commerce companies such as to keep your information safe and secure during transactions.

When will I receive my contribution statement for 2023?

Contribution statements will be sent out by the ending of January 2022. Please email us at to update your mailing address or if you have any questions.

Who do I talk to if I have more questions?

Contact us at We are happy to help you!