Frequently asked questions.

Live stream service + YouTube

Do I need a YouTube account to watch the church service LIVE?

No. You do not need a youtube account to watch church online LIVE. It may be viewed on a desktop, laptop, or smartphone. On a smartphone, it will be easier to view using the youtube app.

How can I put the YouTube app on my smartphone?

While viewing this on your smartphone, click here for instructions and links.

How can I chat during the LIVE stream church service?

We highly encourage you to chat and engage during our live stream church service. This makes for more a personal and engaging experience. Feel free to introduce yourself and say ‘hello.’ It’s a great way to meet others at church and feel free to comment during our service. We won’t see it as being rude.

The first thing you will need to do is set up a google account (Google owns YouTube). If you already have a Gmail email, you already have a Google and YouTube account. It is totally FREE to have an account on YouTube. Click here for instructions.

After you set up an account watch this video here. You can click ‘skip ads’ to skip the ads. You may also fast forward to 1 minute and 15 seconds where he starts giving the instructions.

What if I missed the LIVE stream. Can I watch the replay?

You may watch the sermons on replay at any time.

Is there a way to be notified when there is a LIVE stream?

Yes, please subscribe to our channel, by clicking the ‘thumbs up’ icon below the video. This will notify you when we are going LIVE and also, it helps with the visibility of our channel to reach new people.


Virtual Small Groups + Zoom

How to create a free Zoom account

  1. To set up a Zoom account you will need internet and a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

  2. Follow these instructions to set up a FREE account by clicking here.

  3. Tips: If you are using a tablet having a stand something like this one can be helpful, but is not necessary. If you have a smartphone using a stand like this one can be helpful, but is not necessary. You can use this stand on a tabletop so that you can see others and they can see you on the zoom call. You have the option of putting your video on or not and there is a microphone that can be muted.

Joining a Zoom Meeting

Join a Zoom Meeting by clicking here. and following the instructions.

Do I need to have my video on at a Small Group?

No, it is not required, but highly encouraged. By you being able to see others and them being able to see you will make the experience more personal and enjoyable.

Do I need to have some Bible knowledge to join a Small Group?

No Bible experience is necessary to join a Small Group. This is a great opportunity to learn and grow.

What happens during a virtual Small Group?

On Sundays, the majority of the time you will see a slide with few questions for discussion about the sermon. Please feel free to take a screenshot, photo, or write those questions down. Normally, the group will catch up and see how everyone is doing and then share the discussion questions or what they got from the message and how one may apply it in their life.

You may be asked if you have any prayer requests so the group can pray for you. Just as with our services, we feel that being engaging in the group is the best way to grow. Don’t worry about being wrong or making a mistake. We are all there to grow and we understand everyone is at a different place.

We want Small Groups to be a safe place where you can authentically connect with God and with others. We want you to feel comfortable to be yourself and not feel like you have to be perfect to be accepted. They normally last from an hour to two hours, depending on the group. Don’t feel bad if you need to leave early. We ask that you communicate with the Small Group leader out of courtesy.


What happens at Kingdom Keiki?

We are meeting in-person every 1st Friday and 3rd Saturday from 5:30pm-8:30pm. We help kids to connect with God. Their well being and safety is our utmost priority. We would love to have your elementary-aged child(ren) join us! We play a game, learn about Jesus and pray for one another. If you are interested, please contact our Kingdom Keiki Director Jayme Watanabe at for more details.


Do you offer in-person church services?

We offer in-person church services every 1st, 3rd & 4th Sunday on the month at Ho’okupu Center. For most up-to-date information, please join our email list on our homepage. The location is sheltered and open air.